Mothers' Union parenting course
11 Nov 2015 • EAB PRESS
The Provincial Mothers' Union department organized a 5-day training workshop for trainers on Parenting Skills. This is a new component in the MU programme.
The purpose of the new programme is to encourage parents in their role and equip them with skills that will enable them to create a safe space and mutual support in stable families where children are protected and where there are improved relationships between parents and children. The Mother's Union is seeking to empower parents especially women to deal with the education of their children so that they grow up in a society with positive values.
The group trained was from the Diocese of Bujumbura. It is a pilot group that aims at equipping 200 parents with parenting skills before extending the program to other dioceses. The beneficiaries will be parents who are members of saving and credit associations created through the literacy and financial programme.
Mothers' Union has achieved great things by impacting lives in communities where many people testify to changes they have experienced as a result of the integrated MU programmes.